So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.”
Luke 2:15-19
God’s Word does not record the many details between Joseph’s dream and this holy day in Bethlehem . I am looking forward to the heavenly version of the DVD to answer some questions. Did her parents support Mary, or were they ashamed? Was her labor quick and easy? What was Joseph’s reaction when they arrived in Bethlehem to find there was no room for them in the inn? Did he berate himself for not taking better care of his family? Was he sulking in self-pity thinking he could not do anything right since he allowed the Son of God to be born in the animals’ quarters with a cattle feeding trough for a bed? Or was he full of faith knowing that every part of the journey was as God had planned it? Either way, they had the baby in their arms. There was no news from God yet. How emotional for them when the shepherds arrived. Until the shepherds arrived, they thought no one else knew the Savior of the world had just been born. The shepherds shared in their joy. Their spirits must have leaped with joy listening to the story of the angels in the fields praising God for the Savior who had been born.
How good of God to send them confirmation on this day! It had been nine months since Gabriel’s visit to Mary. It had been many months since Elizabeth greeted her, and John had leapt in her womb. Joseph’s dream of the angel was many months ago, too. God was not obligated to speak to her again. Yet, He did through the visit of the shepherds as they worshiped and gave glory to God. It must have reassured them that God was pleased with the circumstances of His Son’s birth.
Through the shepherds’ visit, God also encouraged them. I’m sure it was tough to journey to Bethlehem while Mary was in her last days of pregnancy. She either felt every bump on that road or was too excited about the days to come to mind her discomfort. Can you imagine the pressure that she must have felt to be the perfect mother? There were no secret mothering mistakes from the all-seeing, all-knowing God. He knew her every deed, word, and thought – yikes! I don’t know any woman who feels that she could pass that mothering test!
Scripture does not record the conversations between the shepherds and Joseph and Mary. However, verse 19 tells us of Mary’s reaction to their visit. It says, “But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.”
The Greek word for “ponder” is sumballo which means “to throw or put together, casting many things together and considering them as one.” Mary was recounting the many events of the past year and considering them as one. She mulled over everything that had happened to Joseph and to her. She was pondering what Almighty God had done. I think it was a moment where God took Mary’s breath away. She might have said, “Who is this God? So this is how God operates in people’s lives. You did it, God. You did it in style. You amaze me.” In my Bible study group, my friend Wilma described this verse as Mary crafting her mental baby book of Jesus. Mary was collecting her mental snapshots from the angel’s first appearance to the shepherds’ visit.
Just by being a child of God, you and I also have mental snapshots of the times that He has acted in our lives. These moments are a treasure. The Almighty God of the universe has acted in our lives! When was the last time you pondered what God Almighty has done in your life?
Pray with me: Father God, You were so tender with Mary and Joseph. You knew that they needed confirmation. You knew that they needed reassurance and encouragement. You are so good! The story of Your Son’s birth is exquisite! Every detail was meticulously planned. Every moment was in accordance with Your perfect plan.
Lord, we know that You have been active in so many ways in our lives. Some of them may be concealed to us today because You have done so much, but let us ponder what You have done. Let us be in awe of how You work in people’s lives. You carefully craft the experiences. You arrange everything perfectly. You accomplish what You desire. Just like Mary was willing to let You do whatever You saw best, so are we. Lord, we give You the freedom to fulfill Your perfect plan for our lives. It’s in Your precious Son’s Name, Yeshua’s Name, we pray. Amen.
Excerpt from the Jesus Lives Bible study
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