All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: ‘The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel’ (which means ‘God with us’).
When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife. But he did not consummate their marriage until she gave birth to a son. And he gave him the name Jesus.”
Matthew 1:20-25
Joseph had decided to move forward with what he thought was the best thing to do. Then God intervened. Once again the veil between heaven and earth was lifted so the divine could explain to flesh and blood the supernatural activity that was abounding. There are more dreams and angel appearances in the first coming of Jesus than any other story in the Bible. Do you understand why? It is because this is the most important thing that ever happened to mankind. God sent His angels to help people understand the significance.
The angel told Joseph to not be afraid to take Mary as his wife. She was not an adulterous and unfaithful woman. He could trust Mary to be faithful to him. The angel explained that the child conceived in her womb was from the Holy Spirit. This child was from God Himself, God’s own Son.
Then the angel told Joseph to name the child the same name that the angel had told Mary to name Him. Joseph was to name Him Jesus. In the account of the angel telling Mary the child’s name, the angel does not tell her the reason why. But the angel tells Joseph. He says, “Because he will save his people from their sins.” Once again, we see that Jesus did not come to save from a political tyranny or military power. He came to save not just the Jewish people, but all people from our fiercest enemy. He came to save us from our sins.
The angel said that Jesus was fulfilling the prophecy from Isaiah 7:14. All of this was taking place to fulfill this prophecy that said, “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel” – which means “God with us.” Jesus was God with us, God cloaked in the flesh. The first chapter of the Gospel of Matthew concludes with the promise of the coming of Immanuel, “God with us.” The last chapter of Matthew concludes with Jesus’ promise at His ascension, “I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Since Jesus’ first coming, we have never been left alone.
For Joseph, the decision was no longer difficult now that he knew what God wanted him to do. Joseph obeyed immediately as the angel had told him…Without Hesitation…Without Doubt…Without Denial…Without Analysis. Did he walk calmly to Mary’s home, or did he race through the streets until he stood outside her home? Inside, Mary could have chosen despair over her circumstances, but I believe that even though it seemed hopeless that she chose to keep believing her God. I wonder if she prayed something obedient like, “I don’t know what You are doing, but I trust You, Lord. I must not need to know yet.”
Joseph told Mary the angel’s message. He believed the child was from God and told her they were not going to separate. He would provide for Mary and her baby. Did her hands go first to her heart that suddenly began to beat quickly, then to her face as tears rushed to her eyes? Did Joseph tenderly hug her? They married. Later, she gave birth, and they gave Him the Name that the angel told Joseph. It is the Name that welcomes, comforts, mends, divides, and soars believers’ spirits. It is the Only Name by which we are saved! JESUS! Sweet Jesus!
Pray with me: O, Almighty God! How stunning it is to know how You work in the lives of man. We praise You for Your divine intervention. You knew to send the angel to proclaim the good news. You knew Joseph would do the right thing by Mary and for Your Son Jesus. It must have been such a tender moment when Joseph told Mary about the angel. How we can’t wait for You to play it for us on Your home DVD recordings! Mary’s heart must have been filled with relief. She trusted You to take care of her and You did. You provided Joseph who obeyed You without doubt or question. He believed You and trusted You so obedience was easy. May we also be so filled with Your presence that we know Your will and obedience comes easier for us, too. It’s in the Name above all names, in Jesus’ Name, Yeshua’s Name, we pray. Amen.
Excerpt from the Jesus Lives Bible study
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