Luke 1:11-14
Zechariah was priest from the division of Abijah, from the line of Aaron. He was married to Elizabeth. Zechariah and Elizabeth were both upright in the sight of God, observing all the Lord’s commands. However, she was barren.
They were in their old age. I imagine their bodies had some aches and pains that reminded them their time was ticking away. To not have children in the Jewish society was looked upon as a stigma. How many times had they called out to God for a child? How many prayers seemed to be unanswered? Had Zechariah agonized over hearing Elizabeth’s soft sobs? Through it all, they both remained blameless. Even though their lives had not turned out like they had hoped, they trusted in God.
When Zechariah’s division was on duty, he was chosen by lot to go into the temple of the Lord and burn incense at the altar. His responsibility was to pray for the nation of Israel and for Messiah to come while the worshippers assembled outside to pray. But this was the only time in his life he would be able to minister before the Lord like this. It was his only chance. This day only happened once in a man’s lifetime, if at all.
While in the temple, the angel Gabriel suddenly appeared to him. He was standing at the right side of the altar of incense. Zechariah had already expected for this to be a sacred moment in this sacred place. But he never expected a heavenly visitor. I think this was one time the unexpected drop-in was more than okay.
It had been 400 years since God had spoken to the prophet Malachi. Israel had rejected God and turned to other gods. So God obliged the people of Israel and stopped speaking to them. God broke the 400-year silence by sending the angel Gabriel to breach through the barrier between heaven and this world to appear to Zechariah. Gabriel declared the good news of the birth of the forerunner to Jesus, John the Baptist.
Gabriel’s name means “Mighty One of God.” He describes himself as one who stands in the presence of God. He was stating his authority for delivering this message. However, his first words to Zechariah were “Do not be afraid.” It was because Zechariah was startled and gripped with fear! I imagine that it was not only the sudden appearance of someone he didn’t know inside the sacred part of the temple, but also that Gabriel must not have looked like a mere mortal man.
Gabriel’s next words were “Your prayers have been answered.” It makes us wonder if Zechariah was more than interceding for Israel and for Messiah. Was he also requesting his life-long prayer? While he was lifting up sweet smelling incense to the Lord was he also lifting up his heart’s deepest desire? Or had his heart protected itself and it no longer dared to hope for such a thing?
Gabriel told him that his wife Elizabeth would bear him a son and he was to give him the name John. Gabriel said his son would be filled with the Holy Spirit even from birth. He would go in the spirit and power of Elijah. He would bring the people of Israel back to God. He would make ready a people prepared for the Lord. I think this was a son worth waiting for!
His son would be one who stirred up Israel and set the stage for Jesus to enter. Isaiah prophesied about him 700 years before his birth. When the Pharisees question him about his identity, he quotes Isaiah 40:3 which says he is “A voice of one calling: ‘In the desert prepare the way for the LORD; make straight in the wilderness a highway for our God.’ ” In ancient times a forerunner would go before a dignitary to announce his coming and clear the way before him. Highways were made straight only for a king. John would be the one who announced this dignitary that was much higher than he.
While his parents praised God for letting them be his parents and for blessing them with him in their old age, the religious leaders thought he was crazy. Numerous people were baptized by him. Herod hated him. Some of Jesus’ disciples followed him before they followed Jesus. He preached boldly and showed no fear. He was chosen by God to be the one who prepared the way for Jesus. You see, precious one, God’s plan for Jesus’ first coming had been given much forethought. God knew there needed to be a forerunner to prepare the hearts of the people to receive Jesus. God sent John to be the one to make straight for the King of kings to come!
Pray with me: Almighty God, we praise You for Your divine plan. John the Baptist was well planned out We see that You used time to prepare the earth and You used a man to bring the hearts of the people back to You. You prepare. You are methodical. You give careful consideration to Your plans for man. Youknew what You were going to do long before You did. You proved again that You are the one true God by giving the prophecy to Isaiah hundreds of years before You fulfilled it.
Thank You for the reminder of the angels that serve You and worship You. They believe You. They can not fathom not trusting You or doubting what You say like Zechariah did. Give us that some unquestionable faith where we don’t doubt who You are. It’s in Your precious Son’s Name, Yeshua’s Name, we pray. Amen.
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