Matthew 2:9-12
The Magi had travelled many days and nights in search of the one who would fulfill the prophecy of the Messiah to Israel. They had left their families, homes, country, and comforts to seek the promised child. When they came to Jerusalem, they expected others to be anticipating their own country’s Savior. So they went to the holy city of Jerusalem and asked, “Where was the one who was born the King of the Jews?”
King Herod lied and told them to make a careful search for the child and report back to him so he could worship him, too. The Magi left him and went on their way. They saw the star rise and go ahead of them until it stopped over the place where Joseph, Mary, and baby Jesus were now living. When they saw the star guide them to Jesus’ home they were overjoyed. The Gospel writer Matthew actually uses two Greek words to describe their joy. He uses the words “sphodra megas” which mean “exceedingly great.” Can you imagine the thrill when they were divinely led to find this child that they had hoped for so long to see? The star made it so easy to find Him. There was no mistaking who the child was. God Himself had pointed out His Son to them.
They came into the house and immediately started to worship Him. Humbled, they bowed down before this King and worshipped Him. They understood who He was and all that He would mean to His people. When foreign dignitaries appear before a King, they will give gifts to show honor. They opened their treasures they had prepared to give to this toddler King. As the lids were lifted from these treasures chest, the aroma of the spices filled the room and the gold glittered capturing every eye. Not one word is recorded of Mary and Joseph which makes me wonder if their jaws were dropped and tongues held speechless at this moment.
The Magi’s three gifts had their own meaning. We see great thought had been put into each gift. Gold is a gift for a king. Gold has been precious throughout all times, cultures, and countries. Jesus is the King of Kings. One day, He will return and all will see Him and know who He is. Every knee will bow before the King of Glory.
Incense is a gift for a priest. It signified worship and atonement for sins. Ancient people burned incense believing that it carried their prayers to heaven. Frankincense oil is also thought to have stimulating, toning, and warming properties. The ancient world used it for treating depression. The Messianic prophecy in Isaiah 61:1 tells us that Jesus came to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness the prisoners. Nothing is more imprisoning than depression. Jesus came to bring joy to the hearts of every man. He came to free us from the darkness that tries to envelope us.
Myrrh was probably the strangest gift. It is considered a wound healer because of its strong antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. The Chinese used it to treat wounds, bleeding, and painful swelling. Never forget that one of Jesus’ primary missions was to heal our wounds. Since myrrh comes from a tree that grows abundantly in Northern Africa, the Egyptians found multiple uses for it like incense, holy ointments, medicines, and to embalm the dead. This embalming ointment signified that Jesus came to die for the world. His primary mission was to die on the cross as payment for our sins. All three gifts were tangible symbols of Jesus’ mission for mankind. All three gifts would have been great assets for when the holy family had to flee to Egypt to escape King Herod’s wrath, too.
Because of the Magi’s gifts and recognition that Jesus was the greatest gift to the world, we now give gifts to our loved ones at Christmas time. But did you notice how much significance each gift had? Christmas is about giving gifts that have meaning and great value. I’m not saying take all the toys back to the stores. I’m saying be sure to remember to give a gift of great value this Christmas. For example, I’ve asked my children this year to give me a gift using their talents. I’m giving them a chance to use their God-given talents and not shelve them. I also don’t want to get caught up in the gift giving and completing my Christmas list and forget to give a gift of great worth to the ones I love and to my Savior and King. My heart’s desire is to give them something of eternal value. If your heart is like mine, then let’s ask God what gift of value we can give this Christmas to Him and to invest in another’s life.
Pray with me: We worship You, Jesus! You are King and Lord of all. You are worthy and we bow down to worship You, too. You came to heal and bring joy. You came to be our priest and sacrifice for us and carry our prayers to heaven. Most amazing of all, You, our King, came to die for us. How can we ever thank You enough and bestow upon You all that we owe You? Speak to our hearts this Christmas and show us what gift we can give You. Teach us to give gifts that have real meaning and true value. It’s in the Name above all names, in Jesus’ Name, Yeshua’s Name, we pray. Amen.
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