Matthew 6:33
Happy New Year! I love it when the clock strikes 12:00 midnight on New Year’s Eve and the next year begins. Some people think it is just a change of the calendar. For me, the New Year symbolizes the beginning of something and with God a better something. For me, the New Year symbolizes another year to fulfill God’s wonderful plan and purpose for my life.
Many years ago, my husband came down the stairs on New Year’s Day and announced that Matthew 6:33 would be our family’s verse for the year. I don’t think it has ever changed. I strongly believe that if we seek God’s kingdom and His agenda, if we walk in His ways and try to live a life pleasing to Him, then we will know God’s voice, be close to Him and available for His use, and we will fulfill His purposes for our lives.
Even though our family’s verse and priority may not have changed, there are some things that need to be changed in our lives. I don’t want this New Year to be business as usual in my spiritual life. I want to go to a new level with God. I want to hear fresh words from God, go deeper with Him, see the mysteries of God revealed, and experience the Holy Spirit unleashed. This means I need to make a commitment to these things:
- Prayer life: Since my journey of writing Elijah began, God has challenged my prayer life. Elijah was a man who prayed fervently and weather patterns changed, fire came down from heaven, a boy was raised from the dead, and an entire nation fell down worshiping God. Well, my prayer life is nothing like that, but it can be. Do you think you can join me in developing a fervent prayer life this year?
- Study of the Word: God’s Word breathes new life every time we open it. It is nourishment for our souls and transformation for our minds. I am committed to writing the Elijah Bible study this year which takes me on a deep journey into the Scriptures. I will also be doing Beth Moore’s new study on James, Jennifer Kennedy Dean’s Living a Praying Life, and Mary Kassian’s Conversation Peace. What in-depth Bible study will you do?
- Time: If I want to be Spirit-led, then I need to give God one of my most valuable assets, my time. My schedule needs to be cleared to go where He wants me to go and to do what He wants me to do. My ears need to be listening for His voice prompting me and my heart needs not resist when He tells me to do something uncomfortable for me. When you and I ask God to move mightily in our lives, we need to be moveable! I need to give God my morning time when my home is quiet so I can hear Him speak to me. How can you give God your time this year?
- Pass the baton: In some of Jesus’ last words, He commanded us to make disciples of other people. Our faith in Jesus Messiah is met to be passed onto others. It is best passed on when it is contagious and caught, not taught. This will come when you and I have been filled with a holy passion. We need to ask God to open eyes to who we can influence. This needs to be woven into every moment of our day with whomever we encounter as well as in our churches and life groups. Are you willing to make it a priority this year to influence others to know God in a richer way?
This list is short enough for me to remember, but long enough that I doing my part and ushering God in for Him to do His part. Maybe there are other things on your list that God has brought to your mind. Share them with me if you feel led. Regardless of how our lists may differ, let’s seek Him with all that we have in 2012!
Pray with me: Lord, we praise You! Thank You for giving us another year of life. May we seek Your kingdom and Your righteousness and leave it up to You how You bless us with earthly and eternal blessings! We commit ourselves to prayer, Bible study, wise decisions with our time, and being intentional to pass on our faith. In Jesus’ Name, we pray. Amen.
Pray with me: Lord, we praise You! Thank You for giving us another year of life. May we seek Your kingdom and Your righteousness and leave it up to You how You bless us with earthly and eternal blessings! We commit ourselves to prayer, Bible study, wise decisions with our time, and being intentional to pass on our faith. In Jesus’ Name, we pray. Amen.
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