Thursday, April 2, 2009

They Fell Down

They Fell Down

“Jesus, knowing all that was going to happen to him, went out and asked them, ‘Who is it you want?’
‘Jesus of Nazareth,’ they replied.
‘I am he,’ Jesus said. (And Judas the traitor was standing there with them.) When Jesus said, ‘I am he,’ they drew back and fell to the ground.”

John 18:4-6

Jesus had been praying all night long in the Garden of Gethsemane. He poured out His anguished heart to His Father. When Judas led the detachment of soldiers and some officials from the chief priests and Pharisees to Jesus, He knew all that was going to happen to Him. He went out and asked them who they wanted. With torches and weapons in their hands, they replied, “Jesus of Nazareth.”

Even though Jesus was in so much agony before the soldiers arrived, when He replied “I am He,” they drew back and fell to the ground. The presence of the mighty Son of God knocked them down. His deity and might was not diminished by His sorrow. In fact, the power of His presence seems to be even stronger than normal. Perhaps it is because of His intensity. Additionally, there was a hidden power in His words that is revealed when one studies the original text. In the statement, “I am He,” the word “He” was added to make it proper English in the NIV version.

God says in Exodus 3:14-15 that He would be remembered throughout all the generations by the Name “I AM.” The Great I AM…Yahweh…The most glorious, sacred name of God…The name that the Hebrews would not say. Every time a scribe had to write it, he would remove his dirty clothes, take a bath, and put on clean clothes. He would pick up a new pen, write it, and then throw it away. “Yahweh” means ”the self-existent One.” God is saying, “I have always been, and I will always be.” He doesn’t change because He doesn’t need changing! There are no improvements to be made in Him. He is all we will ever need. When Jesus said this sacred and yet powerful name – I AM – the mob’s knees buckled over the power of the declaration.

Peter was probably aiming for the neck of the servant who saw the sword coming and tilted his head away just in time. Only his ear was cut off. The angry throng heard the Man they had come to arrest rebuke His loyal follower for coming to His defense. Jesus was determined to drink the cup that His Father had given Him (Luke 22:42).

The chief priests and solders who accused this man saw Him touch Malchus’ face. The ear was healed at once. They knew He was no ordinary man. They knew what the people were saying had some truth, but they didn’t care. They didn’t read His Miranda rights to Him or gently place the handcuffs on His wrists. No, it was closer to something that would spring a lawsuit for police brutality today. They slapped the ropes or chains on Him. Little did they understand that at any moment Jesus could break the ropes that bound Him, and they would fall to the ground. He could walk away. He let them bind Him. It was only the beginning of the pain that Jesus would feel this day.

Our beloved, forgiving, merciful Savior submitted Himself to the will of the Father. Because He was committed to His Father’s plan, Jesus let the soldiers seize Him and march Him off. No one knew that Jesus was actually the winner at this point. It looked pretty dismal. He laid down His power that made His accusers fall to the ground. He used His power only to heal one who was seeking to harm Him.

Just when it seemed like all was lost, Jesus was headed for the crown and the throne through the cross. At this seemingly dark point, only the Father knew that Jesus was the Champion who was taking the walk to become the Title Holder of Redeemer and King of Kings. He was walking toward victory. He endured the cross and this agony because of the joy set before Him when He sat down at the right hand of the throne of God having redeemed us. He did it all because of His great love for His Father, for you, and for me! Hallelujah!

Pray with me: Oh, Jesus, Your strength and restraint is amazing! Just Your words alone made mere men fall to their feet. Just Your tongue makes them fall to the ground. They did not realize whom they were coming to harm and to arrest. Gosh, we can’t begin to grasp the fullness of Your power. You are the Great I AM! You have always been, always are, and always will be. You are in control of our lives through every seemingly dark point. Enable us to submit to the Father’s will and take the walk of champions and bring victory to the family. It’s in Your Name, Yeshua’s Name, I pray. Amen.

Excerpt from the Jesus Lives Bible study,
Copyright ©2009 Christ Compels

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