Watchmen for the U.S.: Cries Redeemed
“Make the Master proud of you by being good citizens. Respect the authorities, whatever their level; they are God's emissaries for keeping order. It is God's will that by doing good, you might cure the ignorance of the fools who think you're a danger to society. Exercise your freedom by serving God, not by breaking the rules. Treat everyone you meet with dignity. Love your spiritual family. Revere God. Respect the government.”
1 Peter 2:13-17 (The Message)
“I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone-for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.”
1 Timothy 2:1-2 (NIV)
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Baptist minister who became the leader in the African American civil rights movement of the 1960’s. He was a freedom fighter whose weapons were peaceful means, civil disobedience, righteousness, and pure bravery. He was a servant of God who respected all men and honored our government. Through his courage and Christlike character, he brought change in this country. In his “I Have a Dream” speech he said,
"I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal’…I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character…I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at a table of brotherhood…Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksand of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God's children…Let freedom ring. And when this happens, and when we allow freedom ring—when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children—black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics—will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual: ‘Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!’ "
The day before his death, Rev. King addressed a rally and delivered his "I've Been to the Mountaintop" address. In the close of the last speech of his career, King said that he had been to the mountaintop, and he had looked over and seen the Promised Land. He knew that he might not go there, too, but that his people would arrive one day to his dream.
Last week, Barack Obama became the 44th President of the United States of America. His inauguration was watched all over the whole world. I watched clips of it later that night. Never before have I seen so many hopeful faces for a president. Never have I seen so many tears of joy and such a release from so much pain.
I was actually praying with some ladies from my workplace when he was sworn into office. As I prayed for President Obama and our country, something happened that I can’t say I have ever experienced previously. I hope that I can explain it to you well and that you won’t think it is too strange. I heard the cries of the African Americans for the past few hundred years. I didn’t hear them with my physical ears but with my spiritual ears. Their cries were overwhelming. Some cries were asking God for deliverance. Some cries were of joy at this moment that Dr. King’s vision from the mountaintop was realized. It is my deepest prayer that this brings healing to the wounded from this national sin. It is my prayer that this is the final chapter of the curse on this land from this sin.
At the same moment that I heard the redemption of the African Americans, I heard the cries for redemption of the unborn, aborted babies who have been killed in this land. My heart was full of emotion for the realized victory for one sin and unrealized victory for the lives of babies. I was so disturbed over the poor choices of this country and the people who have been hurt. At the same time, my heart wanted to be transported to heaven to celebrate with Dr. King and God.
We should pray for this president’s heart and mind to see life at conception. It is our responsibility to pray for wisdom in every aspect of his responsibilities – global economic crisis, terrorism, healthcare, social security, Supreme Court justice nominees, and the list continues. Doesn’t that amaze you that anyone would want such a job? Anyway, as watchwomen, it is our duty to pray. We pray because we love this country and because our God tells us to respect the government and honor the king (1 Peter 2:17 The Message and Amplifed).
Pray with me: Almighty God, as You instruct us we are praying for our ruler. Government, law, and ruling authorities are a gift. We know that You set up kings and that You have appointed President Obama for this particular time. We ask You to place Your mighty hand of protection upon Him. We ask for You to shield and protect his wife and his children. He has been entrusted with a great responsibility and much will be required. Give him heavenly wisdom on all matters and not the foolishness of man. Help him to see the sanctity of human life. Give him resolve where his heart is right before Your eyes. Change his heart where it is not. Give him courage to do what is right. Help him to fulfill his role as Commander-in-Chief while we will ultimately trust You as our Defender.
Thank You for redemption and healing of the wounds caused by the great sin of slavery, segregation, and unequal rights. Lord, protect Your church and may this country always be a place of religious freedom for believers. It’s in the Name above all names, in Jesus’ Name, Yeshua’s Name, we pray. Amen.
Copyright ©2009 Christ Compels
Friday, January 30, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Miracles or Enduring Hardships?
Miracles or Enduring Hardships?
“We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about the hardships we suffered in the province of Asia. We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired even of life. Indeed, in our hearts we felt the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead.”
2 Corinthians 1:8-9
Paul is writing to the Corinthians. He is telling them that he wants them to understand his group’s hardships. The pressure was great. It was far beyond their ability to endure that they despaired even of life. In their hearts, they felt the sentence of death. Their situation was so grave they thought they would die.
Their hearts which are the wellsprings of life, the place out of which all living flows, began to stop believing there was more to life. I know what it is like to have a heart fully alive, and I know what it is like to have a heart that feels life will never be the same. It feels like there is no more living to be had, and death is waving to you. Your long-term goals are to wake up and make it through one more day. The pressure is beyond your ability to endure.
This word for “ability” in the Greek is dunamis which means “to be able, achieving power.” This power is different from other words for power because this power is active, working, and achieving. It is not just ability. It is working power! The English word “dynamite” is derived from dunamis. Jesus used dunamis in Acts 1:8 to tell the disciples that they would receive this power when the Holy Spirit comes upon them. In Ephesians 1:18-20, Paul prayed that all who will believe will know His incomparably great power. He tells them that this power is the same power that God exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly realms. In 2 Corinthians 12:9, Paul tells us that he delights in his weaknesses because God’s power is made perfect in weakness. So he will boast in his weaknesses so Christ’s power may dwell in him. God intended for us to know this power that is living inside of us. We are meant to experience the dynamite power of God that is all accomplishing.
Paul had experienced it. He had healed people of their many afflictions. He had raised the boy back to life who fell asleep, fell, and died while Paul was preaching. God had done extraordinary miracles through him in Asia so that even handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched him were taken to the sick, and their illnesses were cured and the evil spirits left them (Acts 19:11-12). However, this suffering that he endured in Asia was beyond the dunamis power that God was willing to release in his life. Paul experienced sufferings that were above and beyond his ability to endure.
Without God, you and I have no power over death. We are powerless against the kingdom of darkness. We have no control of this life. We are powerless against our idols and strongholds. We cannot heal ourselves. We cannot experience victory apart from God. However, with God we can change from trampled wimps to mighty warriors. Defeat is not in our vocabulary.
Sometimes God gives us the dunamis power to heal all sorts of diseases. Sometimes God does not allow us to invoke our dependent power displayed, but He requires us to invoke our dependent power of the mind. I believe a committed disciple will have periods of both displayed in her life if she lives long enough and if she is willing to experience both sides. Some of us believe God so much for miracles that we would stay on that side and be ill-equipped to remain faithful when God does not release His dunamis power. Some of us have never believed God and don’t think He performs miracles anymore. We only need to open our eyes because God is doing miracles all around us…Healing people physically…Healing people of generational sin… Defeating their giants.
O, my dear precious one, have you lived both sides? Have you seen His power applied in your life? Have you relied on Him so much that you have been free from despair and even seen Him remove the death sentence? Are you willing to accept a God who gives us opportunities to experience both sides? May you and I be true to God no matter the hardship. May we always believe that even though we can’t figure out the miracle that our God can do more than we can ask or imagine and release His dunamis power in our lives!
Pray with me: O, God, You are mighty! You are majestic! You are the Giver of every good gift. When we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we will not fear because You are with us. You will never forsake us!
We will experience times that we despair even of life. Our hearts may feel the death sentence and that there is no way out, but with You there is always a way. Help us to remember this. With You there is always a way. There may be circumstances that we can’t change, but for You it is nothing to change it. You can reverse time, make the sun stand still, or even undo death! Everything is possible with You, and do not ever let our hearts stop giving You room to be God. We believe in Your mighty power and Your willingness to heal anyone. Show Your power and loving kindness to heal the afflicted whom we encounter so that we can bring You glory!
In times of despair, we want to be proved true! We want to fully rely on You. In hardships, when we feel like we cannot go on, may You reveal Yourself to us even more as we depend on You for each minute. May we be like Paul and be willing vessels of either miracle-working power or mind power to endure. It is in the mighty Name of Your Son Jesus, Yeshua, that we pray. Amen.
Copyright ©2009 Christ Compels
“We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about the hardships we suffered in the province of Asia. We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired even of life. Indeed, in our hearts we felt the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead.”
2 Corinthians 1:8-9
Paul is writing to the Corinthians. He is telling them that he wants them to understand his group’s hardships. The pressure was great. It was far beyond their ability to endure that they despaired even of life. In their hearts, they felt the sentence of death. Their situation was so grave they thought they would die.
Their hearts which are the wellsprings of life, the place out of which all living flows, began to stop believing there was more to life. I know what it is like to have a heart fully alive, and I know what it is like to have a heart that feels life will never be the same. It feels like there is no more living to be had, and death is waving to you. Your long-term goals are to wake up and make it through one more day. The pressure is beyond your ability to endure.
This word for “ability” in the Greek is dunamis which means “to be able, achieving power.” This power is different from other words for power because this power is active, working, and achieving. It is not just ability. It is working power! The English word “dynamite” is derived from dunamis. Jesus used dunamis in Acts 1:8 to tell the disciples that they would receive this power when the Holy Spirit comes upon them. In Ephesians 1:18-20, Paul prayed that all who will believe will know His incomparably great power. He tells them that this power is the same power that God exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly realms. In 2 Corinthians 12:9, Paul tells us that he delights in his weaknesses because God’s power is made perfect in weakness. So he will boast in his weaknesses so Christ’s power may dwell in him. God intended for us to know this power that is living inside of us. We are meant to experience the dynamite power of God that is all accomplishing.
Paul had experienced it. He had healed people of their many afflictions. He had raised the boy back to life who fell asleep, fell, and died while Paul was preaching. God had done extraordinary miracles through him in Asia so that even handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched him were taken to the sick, and their illnesses were cured and the evil spirits left them (Acts 19:11-12). However, this suffering that he endured in Asia was beyond the dunamis power that God was willing to release in his life. Paul experienced sufferings that were above and beyond his ability to endure.
Without God, you and I have no power over death. We are powerless against the kingdom of darkness. We have no control of this life. We are powerless against our idols and strongholds. We cannot heal ourselves. We cannot experience victory apart from God. However, with God we can change from trampled wimps to mighty warriors. Defeat is not in our vocabulary.
Sometimes God gives us the dunamis power to heal all sorts of diseases. Sometimes God does not allow us to invoke our dependent power displayed, but He requires us to invoke our dependent power of the mind. I believe a committed disciple will have periods of both displayed in her life if she lives long enough and if she is willing to experience both sides. Some of us believe God so much for miracles that we would stay on that side and be ill-equipped to remain faithful when God does not release His dunamis power. Some of us have never believed God and don’t think He performs miracles anymore. We only need to open our eyes because God is doing miracles all around us…Healing people physically…Healing people of generational sin… Defeating their giants.
O, my dear precious one, have you lived both sides? Have you seen His power applied in your life? Have you relied on Him so much that you have been free from despair and even seen Him remove the death sentence? Are you willing to accept a God who gives us opportunities to experience both sides? May you and I be true to God no matter the hardship. May we always believe that even though we can’t figure out the miracle that our God can do more than we can ask or imagine and release His dunamis power in our lives!
Pray with me: O, God, You are mighty! You are majestic! You are the Giver of every good gift. When we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we will not fear because You are with us. You will never forsake us!
We will experience times that we despair even of life. Our hearts may feel the death sentence and that there is no way out, but with You there is always a way. Help us to remember this. With You there is always a way. There may be circumstances that we can’t change, but for You it is nothing to change it. You can reverse time, make the sun stand still, or even undo death! Everything is possible with You, and do not ever let our hearts stop giving You room to be God. We believe in Your mighty power and Your willingness to heal anyone. Show Your power and loving kindness to heal the afflicted whom we encounter so that we can bring You glory!
In times of despair, we want to be proved true! We want to fully rely on You. In hardships, when we feel like we cannot go on, may You reveal Yourself to us even more as we depend on You for each minute. May we be like Paul and be willing vessels of either miracle-working power or mind power to endure. It is in the mighty Name of Your Son Jesus, Yeshua, that we pray. Amen.
Copyright ©2009 Christ Compels
Friday, January 23, 2009
Nothing or Everything
Nothing or Everything?
“They will fall by the sword and will be taken as prisoners to all the nations. Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.”
Luke 21:24
The 2005 movie Kingdom of Heaven tells loosely the story of the Christian Crusades’ defeat to the Arabs and the surrender of Jerusalem to the Islamic hands in the 12th century. It’s a bloody movie and twists things to paint Christianity unfavorably while favoring the Arabs so I’m not recommending it. The main character is Balian. He is a knight and the leader of the Christian Crusades to protect Jerusalem, and Saladin is the leader of the Arabs. Balian has struggled the whole movie with religion and knowing his standing before God. The Christian leaders in the movie failed to teach him the truth. They were cowering and weak examples for the Gospel.
Near the end of the movie, Balian and his army have been trapped inside the walls of Jerusalem by the conquering Saladin. Balian and his men have battled for days to hold Jerusalem and to not let Saladin in. However, he decides to save the lives of the people who have survived the siege. He comes out to negotiate and to surrender Jerusalem to Saladin so he can save as many of the people’s lives as he can. After they agree to terms, Balian has to ask Saladin one burning question. You see, he struggled through the entire battle to hold Jerusalem. He never understood the passion of the Crusaders. He only fought because he was a warrior and a leader who protected people. He asked him, “What is Jerusalem worth?” Saladin very plainly says, “Nothing.” He turns his back and walks away.
The camera shows Balian’s face again. In just a couple of seconds, his face communicates his thoughts so well. His expressions made me think that his thoughts must be something like, “So this was just another land for Saladin to conquer. This is no special treasure. Why did so many people have to die for this land? Why, we can find land somewhere else.” Then, Saladin stops walking and turns to Balian. He says with a passion and a fire in his eyes, “Everything!”
While this is just a movie loosely based on some real people, I realize how well this hits the mark. You see, beloved, to the common eye, to someone who does not understand the Word of God, Jerusalem doesn’t seem like it’s worth all of this fighting. However, with spiritual eyes, God put His name on the city (2 Chronicles 6:6) and said He would dwell there forever (Psalm 68:16). When He did that, He placed a target on top of Jerusalem. The evil one hates Jerusalem. He has sought to control, oppress, and destroy it through the ages. It represents God’s name and peace on earth.
Luke 21:24 tells us that one of the signs of the Lord’s return is that Jerusalem will no longer be under Gentile control. In the Six Day war in 1967, the Jewish people took control of Jerusalem for the first time since 70 A.D. The reoccupation of Jerusalem has come true in our time. There has been more bloodshed over Jerusalem than any other city on earth. There is a sinister force that longs to destroy the ancient city. Terrorism never ends there. In the past 3,000 years, 26 empires have conquered her. However, today, my friend, Jerusalem is no longer trodden under foot by the Gentiles. Today, the Jewish people have control over Jerusalem. This means that our Lord’s return is very soon. Oh, beloved, do you see the signs of the times in which we live? Are you ready for our Jesus to return for His bride, to assert His power, and to avenge His people? Are you willing to stand against any leader who tries to return parts of Jerusalem to Gentile control? Are you committed to praying for Jerusalem because it bears the Name of the God whom you love? Oh, let’s be relentless about this, precious one, and let’s be watchwomen for Jerusalem!
Pray with me: Almighty God, we praise You for the fulfillment of Your prophecy. Your precious Jerusalem that bears Your Name has been trodden upon through the centuries. The kingdom of darkness seeks to defile anything that You love and Your Name. I cry out for the many people who have died there. I cry out for the peace of Jerusalem. When there is peace in Jerusalem, there will be peace on earth.
The evil one knows that his time is short since the Gentiles no longer have control of the city. He will do anything to undo the inevitable. Soon, precious Jesus, You will come soon for Your bride. You will assert Your power and avenge Your people. The first time You came to earth You laid down Your power, took on the nature of a servant, and were obedient even unto death on the cross. The second time You will assert Your power to cleanse the world of sin and rebellion against God. You will be invincible. You are the warrior of warriors! It is in Your Name, Yeshua’s Name, that we pray, Amen.
Excerpt from the Jesus Lives Bible study,
Copyright ©2009 Christ Compels
“They will fall by the sword and will be taken as prisoners to all the nations. Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.”
Luke 21:24
The 2005 movie Kingdom of Heaven tells loosely the story of the Christian Crusades’ defeat to the Arabs and the surrender of Jerusalem to the Islamic hands in the 12th century. It’s a bloody movie and twists things to paint Christianity unfavorably while favoring the Arabs so I’m not recommending it. The main character is Balian. He is a knight and the leader of the Christian Crusades to protect Jerusalem, and Saladin is the leader of the Arabs. Balian has struggled the whole movie with religion and knowing his standing before God. The Christian leaders in the movie failed to teach him the truth. They were cowering and weak examples for the Gospel.
Near the end of the movie, Balian and his army have been trapped inside the walls of Jerusalem by the conquering Saladin. Balian and his men have battled for days to hold Jerusalem and to not let Saladin in. However, he decides to save the lives of the people who have survived the siege. He comes out to negotiate and to surrender Jerusalem to Saladin so he can save as many of the people’s lives as he can. After they agree to terms, Balian has to ask Saladin one burning question. You see, he struggled through the entire battle to hold Jerusalem. He never understood the passion of the Crusaders. He only fought because he was a warrior and a leader who protected people. He asked him, “What is Jerusalem worth?” Saladin very plainly says, “Nothing.” He turns his back and walks away.
The camera shows Balian’s face again. In just a couple of seconds, his face communicates his thoughts so well. His expressions made me think that his thoughts must be something like, “So this was just another land for Saladin to conquer. This is no special treasure. Why did so many people have to die for this land? Why, we can find land somewhere else.” Then, Saladin stops walking and turns to Balian. He says with a passion and a fire in his eyes, “Everything!”
While this is just a movie loosely based on some real people, I realize how well this hits the mark. You see, beloved, to the common eye, to someone who does not understand the Word of God, Jerusalem doesn’t seem like it’s worth all of this fighting. However, with spiritual eyes, God put His name on the city (2 Chronicles 6:6) and said He would dwell there forever (Psalm 68:16). When He did that, He placed a target on top of Jerusalem. The evil one hates Jerusalem. He has sought to control, oppress, and destroy it through the ages. It represents God’s name and peace on earth.
Luke 21:24 tells us that one of the signs of the Lord’s return is that Jerusalem will no longer be under Gentile control. In the Six Day war in 1967, the Jewish people took control of Jerusalem for the first time since 70 A.D. The reoccupation of Jerusalem has come true in our time. There has been more bloodshed over Jerusalem than any other city on earth. There is a sinister force that longs to destroy the ancient city. Terrorism never ends there. In the past 3,000 years, 26 empires have conquered her. However, today, my friend, Jerusalem is no longer trodden under foot by the Gentiles. Today, the Jewish people have control over Jerusalem. This means that our Lord’s return is very soon. Oh, beloved, do you see the signs of the times in which we live? Are you ready for our Jesus to return for His bride, to assert His power, and to avenge His people? Are you willing to stand against any leader who tries to return parts of Jerusalem to Gentile control? Are you committed to praying for Jerusalem because it bears the Name of the God whom you love? Oh, let’s be relentless about this, precious one, and let’s be watchwomen for Jerusalem!
Pray with me: Almighty God, we praise You for the fulfillment of Your prophecy. Your precious Jerusalem that bears Your Name has been trodden upon through the centuries. The kingdom of darkness seeks to defile anything that You love and Your Name. I cry out for the many people who have died there. I cry out for the peace of Jerusalem. When there is peace in Jerusalem, there will be peace on earth.
The evil one knows that his time is short since the Gentiles no longer have control of the city. He will do anything to undo the inevitable. Soon, precious Jesus, You will come soon for Your bride. You will assert Your power and avenge Your people. The first time You came to earth You laid down Your power, took on the nature of a servant, and were obedient even unto death on the cross. The second time You will assert Your power to cleanse the world of sin and rebellion against God. You will be invincible. You are the warrior of warriors! It is in Your Name, Yeshua’s Name, that we pray, Amen.
Excerpt from the Jesus Lives Bible study,
Copyright ©2009 Christ Compels
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
You are Mine!
You Are Mine!
“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.’ ”
Psalm 91:1-2
I told you previously my story about God speaking to me and rejuvenating me at a Christian event by telling me that I had an “is-to-come.” God has more that He wants to do to glorify His name in my life. I have more works than just writing and videotaping Jesus Lives.
So of course, I started looking for another word regarding my is-to-come at this same event. As we closed the event, we sang Chris Tomlin’s new version of Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone). I knew when I saw the words, “God who has called me safe thus far” that the next line was the key to my calling. I thought, “Yes, Lord, You have called me.” I couldn’t remember the next line so I waited in anxious expectation to remember what it was. The next line was this: “Will be forever mine.” You see, I don’t know the details of my is-to-come. God has only told me that He has poured the Word into me and that I am to pour it out. He has not revealed anything else. He reaffirmed for me that I just need to know one thing. I just need to know Jesus and that He is forever mine. Jesus is mine forevermore!!!!!
This powerful word embossed on my heart was enough for me. It is all that I need to know to press through the days to come. He is mine. He is my refuge and my fortress. He is my God in whom I trust. I have a personal relationship with Him. He is actively working in my life. He will never leave me, forsake me, or fail me. He is willing to walk every day and every moment of this life with me forevermore!
In my Bible, I have a list of all of the characteristics or names of God that I could jot down in just a couple of minutes. Each of these characteristics or names reminds me of a time when He has taught His true identity through a life experience: Bestower of beauty, Releaser of captives, Restorer of dignity, Giver of significance, Victor over darkness, Mender of broken hearts, Defender, Giver of good gifts, Defender of the weak, Counselor, and Healer! He is holy, glorious, righteous, sovereign, good, loving, involved, supreme, orderly, perfect, faithful, caring, just, accessible, redeeming, cleansing, all-knowing, invincible, majestic, joyful, creative, foreseeing, kind, patient, approachable, perfect, worthy, wonderful, uncommon, triumphant, and mighty! He is a Gentleman, Abba (Daddy), Strong Tower, Warrior, Rock, Comforter, Alpha and Omega, and Lord of everything. Elohim – Creator God, El Roi – the God who sees, El Shaddai – God Almighty, and Adonai – Master. He is my very best friend!! This is my God! I love praying in this list and declaring the truth aloud about God. What a glorious God you and I have! When you and I decree the truth about who He is, we will respond in complete praise and adoration.
Since I know who my God is, I know His character and His ways so I can trust the Holder of the future. God is trustworthy for my personal calling and for your personal calling. God is also trustworthy for what is going to happen to His believers in the days to come. As crises continue to happen and as we head into perilous times, all we really need to know about tomorrow is the Holder of tomorrow. God will let us know directly or through His prophets of our generation when the time comes to reveal His plan. If God is not telling me details about my future, then He is letting me ponder more, trust more, and revel in the glory that time is in His hands. He can never be forced to unveil faster than He is ready to unveil.
Do you trust Him with your tomorrow, beloved? Are you trusting Him today? Are you letting Him use you this day to further His kingdom? Are you taking one step closer to Him each day? Is it embedded in you that all you need is Him in this life, or are you pursuing other things? What are you spending most of your time doing when you could be spending it with God? Is He personal to you? Do you have the closeness in relationship with Him that is unlike any other? Oh, precious one, how I pray that you realize that God forever being yours is the biggest thrill of all of life. He is the only friend who withstands the test of time. Praise You, Lord!
Pray with me: Oh, God, You are my God! Our close relationship is unlike any other. You are willing to walk every day and every moment with me. There is no crisis where You will leave me. There is no situation where Your love will fail me. You and I were glued together when my sin was nailed to the cross by Your Son’s precious blood. I will dwell daily under Your shelter, O Most High, and rest in Your shadow, God Almighty. I will gladly tell all that You are my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust (Psalm 91:1-2). My life is entwined with You. Our paths will not depart again. You are mine, and I am Yours! It’s in the Name above all names, in Jesus’ Name, Yeshua’s Name, we pray. Amen.
Copyright ©2009 Christ Compels
“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.’ ”
Psalm 91:1-2
I told you previously my story about God speaking to me and rejuvenating me at a Christian event by telling me that I had an “is-to-come.” God has more that He wants to do to glorify His name in my life. I have more works than just writing and videotaping Jesus Lives.
So of course, I started looking for another word regarding my is-to-come at this same event. As we closed the event, we sang Chris Tomlin’s new version of Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone). I knew when I saw the words, “God who has called me safe thus far” that the next line was the key to my calling. I thought, “Yes, Lord, You have called me.” I couldn’t remember the next line so I waited in anxious expectation to remember what it was. The next line was this: “Will be forever mine.” You see, I don’t know the details of my is-to-come. God has only told me that He has poured the Word into me and that I am to pour it out. He has not revealed anything else. He reaffirmed for me that I just need to know one thing. I just need to know Jesus and that He is forever mine. Jesus is mine forevermore!!!!!
This powerful word embossed on my heart was enough for me. It is all that I need to know to press through the days to come. He is mine. He is my refuge and my fortress. He is my God in whom I trust. I have a personal relationship with Him. He is actively working in my life. He will never leave me, forsake me, or fail me. He is willing to walk every day and every moment of this life with me forevermore!
In my Bible, I have a list of all of the characteristics or names of God that I could jot down in just a couple of minutes. Each of these characteristics or names reminds me of a time when He has taught His true identity through a life experience: Bestower of beauty, Releaser of captives, Restorer of dignity, Giver of significance, Victor over darkness, Mender of broken hearts, Defender, Giver of good gifts, Defender of the weak, Counselor, and Healer! He is holy, glorious, righteous, sovereign, good, loving, involved, supreme, orderly, perfect, faithful, caring, just, accessible, redeeming, cleansing, all-knowing, invincible, majestic, joyful, creative, foreseeing, kind, patient, approachable, perfect, worthy, wonderful, uncommon, triumphant, and mighty! He is a Gentleman, Abba (Daddy), Strong Tower, Warrior, Rock, Comforter, Alpha and Omega, and Lord of everything. Elohim – Creator God, El Roi – the God who sees, El Shaddai – God Almighty, and Adonai – Master. He is my very best friend!! This is my God! I love praying in this list and declaring the truth aloud about God. What a glorious God you and I have! When you and I decree the truth about who He is, we will respond in complete praise and adoration.
Since I know who my God is, I know His character and His ways so I can trust the Holder of the future. God is trustworthy for my personal calling and for your personal calling. God is also trustworthy for what is going to happen to His believers in the days to come. As crises continue to happen and as we head into perilous times, all we really need to know about tomorrow is the Holder of tomorrow. God will let us know directly or through His prophets of our generation when the time comes to reveal His plan. If God is not telling me details about my future, then He is letting me ponder more, trust more, and revel in the glory that time is in His hands. He can never be forced to unveil faster than He is ready to unveil.
Do you trust Him with your tomorrow, beloved? Are you trusting Him today? Are you letting Him use you this day to further His kingdom? Are you taking one step closer to Him each day? Is it embedded in you that all you need is Him in this life, or are you pursuing other things? What are you spending most of your time doing when you could be spending it with God? Is He personal to you? Do you have the closeness in relationship with Him that is unlike any other? Oh, precious one, how I pray that you realize that God forever being yours is the biggest thrill of all of life. He is the only friend who withstands the test of time. Praise You, Lord!
Pray with me: Oh, God, You are my God! Our close relationship is unlike any other. You are willing to walk every day and every moment with me. There is no crisis where You will leave me. There is no situation where Your love will fail me. You and I were glued together when my sin was nailed to the cross by Your Son’s precious blood. I will dwell daily under Your shelter, O Most High, and rest in Your shadow, God Almighty. I will gladly tell all that You are my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust (Psalm 91:1-2). My life is entwined with You. Our paths will not depart again. You are mine, and I am Yours! It’s in the Name above all names, in Jesus’ Name, Yeshua’s Name, we pray. Amen.
Copyright ©2009 Christ Compels
Monday, January 19, 2009
Watchmen for Israel
Watchwomen for Israel
“He remembers his covenant forever, the word he commanded, for a thousand generations, the covenant he made with Abraham, the oath he swore to Isaac. He confirmed it to Jacob as a decree, to Israel as an everlasting covenant: ‘To you I will give the land of Canaan as the portion you will inherit.’ ”
1 Chronicles 16:15-18
In Matthew 24, Jesus tells His disciples the signs of His return and the end of the age. In the Bible study DVD Jesus Lives Session 7, I teach you these signs. I so passionately desire for you and me to be women who know how to look at current events from God’s viewpoint. We must be alert because these signs are happening in our lifetime. We need to recognize them. Then, we need to know what to do with them. There is a cost associated with laziness and inattentiveness to not knowing the signs of the times. We cannot be deceived. We have to stay in tune with God through prayer and Bible study and watch what goes on in the world around us.
One of the main signs that Jesus’ return is very near is Israel. Isaiah 66:8 tells us the prophecy that Israel would be born in one day, “Who has ever heard of such a thing? Who has ever seen such things? Can a country be born in a day or a nation be brought forth in a moment? Yet no sooner is Zion in labor than she gives birth to her children.” On May 14, 1948, the United Nations decreed Israel was a nation. This nation was born in one day! It happened 2,000 years after Jerusalem was destroyed. God’s Word is full of prophecies that He would restore Israel, and they are being fulfilled in our day.
God made an everlasting, irrevocable covenant with Israel. Israel may have been unfaithful to God for some periods in history. However, God has never and will never break covenant with Israel. In Hosea, God calls Himself a husband to Israel (2:16). He says He will be betrothed to her forever (2:19). Everything God does is based on covenant, and Israel is in covenant with the Living God!
When a nation or a people rise against Israel, they have provoked God. In Zechariah 2:8 in the Amplified Bible, God says of Israel, “For thus said the Lord of hosts, after [His] glory had sent me [His messenger] to the nations who plundered you--for he who touches you touches the apple or pupil of His eye.” The New Living Translation says it this way, “After a period of glory, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies sent me against the nations who plundered you. For he said, ‘Anyone who harms you harms my most precious possession.’ ” Whoever touches Israel is touching the apple of God’s eye. She is His most precious possession. Or said another way, whoever touches Israel is sticking his finger in God’s pupil. This is the only nation on earth that has God’s heart.
Israel is also the only nation on earth that has God’s great prophecies that have and are coming true. Israel is God’s prophetic time clock. Matthew 24:32-34 tells us that when the fig tree is in season that we will know the end is near, right at the door. Scripture refers to Israel as a fig tree many times. The day after the triumphal entry, Jesus put a curse on a barren fig tree which symbolized that Israel as a nation would not accept Jesus as its Savior. Some people accepted Him but not the whole nation. The fig trees lose their leaves in winter while most other trees in Israel do not. They bloom in late spring – many of the other plants bloom in early spring. Jesus chose the fig tree for these specific reasons. The second coming would be late, as the fig tree buds late and the world would wait a long time for His return. When we see the twigs tender and the leaves come out, then we know that the end is near
God’s Word tells us repeatedly that in the end times the entire world will focus on Israel. We cannot go a night on the evening news without hearing about Israel. Some of us are desensitized to it because Israel has not had rest since she became a nation in 1948. In the end times, the Israeli military will be restrengthened. Because the troops are constantly defending themselves against their neighbors, their military is one of the strongest in the world.
The evil one has manipulated the terrorists who have sworn to terrorize and destroy Israel. They have taken back pieces of the land from Israel and used it as a launching pad for their rockets to shower the people with fear. They will use innocent civilian people as human shields. They seem to have little true concern if Israel hits their bases because when civilians are killed, they win the war for the precious commodity of public opinion and political pressure on Israel. When Israel defends herself against the terrorists, she is called the aggressor, unjust, and war monger.
We should be relentless in our prayers to our Father about Israel. If it were not for the divine restraining hand of God, Israel would have been destroyed. God loves Israel so much that He assigned His archangel Michael to be Israel’s great prince and protect the people (Daniel 12:1). One of the most convincing proofs that the Bible is true and that God is who He says is that Israel remains a nation today. O, precious one, this is the burden of my heart. How is your heart toward the nation that God has chosen to be a husband to? Are you praying for Israel? Are you praying for the innocent people – Israeli and Palestinian – whom the evil one has targeted as a necessary casualty of his prime objective to provoke and hurt God? As the church, we must rise up together and pray for God’s chosen people. Join me in passionate prayer.
Pray with me: Almighty God, I know how You long to bring peace to this planet. However, You cannot bring peace to a people who do not desire peace and reject You. I know it breaks Your heart that innocent people live in terror and are being killed – both Palestinians and Israelis. I cry out for the world to see that we need You, Jehovah, the Holy One of Israel, the Husband to Israel.
I pray against the evil one who is sticking his malicious finger in Your eye. I pray that You will, by Your great Name, stop him. Thwart his treacherous plans. May Your enemy have no victory. May the battle damage be minimized. Bring a miraculous healing to those who have been injured and terrorized.
Lord, help us to be a people who know the signs of our times and stand as watchmen on the wall. Give us spiritual sight into the spiritual realm so that we understand that the battle raging in the Middle East is just a mere shadow of the war in the heavenlies for Israel. May we respond as the warriors that we have been called to be, and may we pray like no other generation that has ever lived. Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus, come! It’s in Your Name that we pray. Amen.
Copyright ©2009 Christ Compels
“He remembers his covenant forever, the word he commanded, for a thousand generations, the covenant he made with Abraham, the oath he swore to Isaac. He confirmed it to Jacob as a decree, to Israel as an everlasting covenant: ‘To you I will give the land of Canaan as the portion you will inherit.’ ”
1 Chronicles 16:15-18
In Matthew 24, Jesus tells His disciples the signs of His return and the end of the age. In the Bible study DVD Jesus Lives Session 7, I teach you these signs. I so passionately desire for you and me to be women who know how to look at current events from God’s viewpoint. We must be alert because these signs are happening in our lifetime. We need to recognize them. Then, we need to know what to do with them. There is a cost associated with laziness and inattentiveness to not knowing the signs of the times. We cannot be deceived. We have to stay in tune with God through prayer and Bible study and watch what goes on in the world around us.
One of the main signs that Jesus’ return is very near is Israel. Isaiah 66:8 tells us the prophecy that Israel would be born in one day, “Who has ever heard of such a thing? Who has ever seen such things? Can a country be born in a day or a nation be brought forth in a moment? Yet no sooner is Zion in labor than she gives birth to her children.” On May 14, 1948, the United Nations decreed Israel was a nation. This nation was born in one day! It happened 2,000 years after Jerusalem was destroyed. God’s Word is full of prophecies that He would restore Israel, and they are being fulfilled in our day.
God made an everlasting, irrevocable covenant with Israel. Israel may have been unfaithful to God for some periods in history. However, God has never and will never break covenant with Israel. In Hosea, God calls Himself a husband to Israel (2:16). He says He will be betrothed to her forever (2:19). Everything God does is based on covenant, and Israel is in covenant with the Living God!
When a nation or a people rise against Israel, they have provoked God. In Zechariah 2:8 in the Amplified Bible, God says of Israel, “For thus said the Lord of hosts, after [His] glory had sent me [His messenger] to the nations who plundered you--for he who touches you touches the apple or pupil of His eye.” The New Living Translation says it this way, “After a period of glory, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies sent me against the nations who plundered you. For he said, ‘Anyone who harms you harms my most precious possession.’ ” Whoever touches Israel is touching the apple of God’s eye. She is His most precious possession. Or said another way, whoever touches Israel is sticking his finger in God’s pupil. This is the only nation on earth that has God’s heart.
Israel is also the only nation on earth that has God’s great prophecies that have and are coming true. Israel is God’s prophetic time clock. Matthew 24:32-34 tells us that when the fig tree is in season that we will know the end is near, right at the door. Scripture refers to Israel as a fig tree many times. The day after the triumphal entry, Jesus put a curse on a barren fig tree which symbolized that Israel as a nation would not accept Jesus as its Savior. Some people accepted Him but not the whole nation. The fig trees lose their leaves in winter while most other trees in Israel do not. They bloom in late spring – many of the other plants bloom in early spring. Jesus chose the fig tree for these specific reasons. The second coming would be late, as the fig tree buds late and the world would wait a long time for His return. When we see the twigs tender and the leaves come out, then we know that the end is near
God’s Word tells us repeatedly that in the end times the entire world will focus on Israel. We cannot go a night on the evening news without hearing about Israel. Some of us are desensitized to it because Israel has not had rest since she became a nation in 1948. In the end times, the Israeli military will be restrengthened. Because the troops are constantly defending themselves against their neighbors, their military is one of the strongest in the world.
The evil one has manipulated the terrorists who have sworn to terrorize and destroy Israel. They have taken back pieces of the land from Israel and used it as a launching pad for their rockets to shower the people with fear. They will use innocent civilian people as human shields. They seem to have little true concern if Israel hits their bases because when civilians are killed, they win the war for the precious commodity of public opinion and political pressure on Israel. When Israel defends herself against the terrorists, she is called the aggressor, unjust, and war monger.
We should be relentless in our prayers to our Father about Israel. If it were not for the divine restraining hand of God, Israel would have been destroyed. God loves Israel so much that He assigned His archangel Michael to be Israel’s great prince and protect the people (Daniel 12:1). One of the most convincing proofs that the Bible is true and that God is who He says is that Israel remains a nation today. O, precious one, this is the burden of my heart. How is your heart toward the nation that God has chosen to be a husband to? Are you praying for Israel? Are you praying for the innocent people – Israeli and Palestinian – whom the evil one has targeted as a necessary casualty of his prime objective to provoke and hurt God? As the church, we must rise up together and pray for God’s chosen people. Join me in passionate prayer.
Pray with me: Almighty God, I know how You long to bring peace to this planet. However, You cannot bring peace to a people who do not desire peace and reject You. I know it breaks Your heart that innocent people live in terror and are being killed – both Palestinians and Israelis. I cry out for the world to see that we need You, Jehovah, the Holy One of Israel, the Husband to Israel.
I pray against the evil one who is sticking his malicious finger in Your eye. I pray that You will, by Your great Name, stop him. Thwart his treacherous plans. May Your enemy have no victory. May the battle damage be minimized. Bring a miraculous healing to those who have been injured and terrorized.
Lord, help us to be a people who know the signs of our times and stand as watchmen on the wall. Give us spiritual sight into the spiritual realm so that we understand that the battle raging in the Middle East is just a mere shadow of the war in the heavenlies for Israel. May we respond as the warriors that we have been called to be, and may we pray like no other generation that has ever lived. Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus, come! It’s in Your Name that we pray. Amen.
Copyright ©2009 Christ Compels
Jesus Lives,
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
“You have heard these things; look at them all. Will you not admit them? ‘From now on I will tell you of new things, of hidden things unknown to you.’ ”
Isaiah 48:6
At the end of last year, God said one word to me over and over. He asked me to meditate on this one little three letter word, “new.” In Isaiah 48:6, God says that He will tell the people new things, things that were never done, nor seen before, things that were unknown to them. Then He showed me some wonderful things. I felt His presence over the message that He gave me. I knew this was His message to me and to His bride for this year. I’m so excited to share it with you.
He brought to my mind some other Scriptures with the word “new” in them. The book of Ecclesiastes is fascinating as Solomon discusses the meaning of life as well as the meaningless things in life. In Ecc. 1:9, he says, “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.” Essentially, he was saying it has all been done before. Things may take different forms, be packaged differently, or the names changed, but there really isn’t anything new.
Now let’s contrast this with some of God’s final words in the King James Version of Revelation 21:5, “Behold, I make all things new.” Oh, my! I can’t help but say that with a bit of power in my voice mixed with some authority. You see, God isn’t under the sun. He is over the sun! He created the sun that bows down to Him. He can change the rules of this world any time He wants to. If He wants to create all new rules, He can. If He wants to do things differently, He can. If He wants to paint the world purple with pink polka dots, He can. If He wants us to inhabit Pluto, a comet, or the bottom of the ocean floor, He can. He can completely change the order of life into anything He desires. Nothing is restricted from the One who can make anything new.
However, God doesn’t go with the latest fad or His most recent whim. He is methodical. He is always true to His character. He never changes. He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. He doesn’t change His mind, make corrections to His plans, or come up with new ideas. What wonderful assurance we have that our God’s character remains a solid Rock on which we can rely! We can allow our desire for exploits and escapades to be released to discover the God Most High, the Lover of our Soul who is for us and not against us because He is always true to His perfect character!
Many of us have practiced the same level of relationship with God for many years. We are committed to it. We would say it is the best part of our lives. We may have a quiet time and prayer time with Him that is consistent, same time, same place, every day. However, the problem is that we have not let Him show us anything new in quite some time. We have not given the Holy Spirit full freedom to reveal more of the Father to us. Somewhere along the way, we stopped letting the veils of heaven be removed and getting glimpses of our God who can take our breath away! We stopped longing for the mysteries of who God is to be revealed to us. Perhaps we have begun to think that this is all that we get of God on this side of heaven. Perhaps it is because we look as spiritually strong as the others in our generation instead of dreaming that God wants to raise up people in this generation who are stronger than any other generation in history because we believe Him! We started taking ordinary, maybe even baby, steps in our walk of faith instead of leaping off the cliff into the unknown with God.
I want you and me just to try something for one year. Let’s ask God every day, “Show me something new about You, Lord.” I believe God wants His bride to boldly ask Him for new things this year. I believe God’s Spirit is being poured out in a time like no other. We will see new things happen that have never before happened. As the spiritual warfare increases, so increases God’s anointing on His people. He is looking for His people to believe Him that new things are being handed out on the kingdom calendar. I believe this year that for those of us who are in tune with His heart and the times that we will see spiritual growth unlike any other time in our lives. The door is wide open to even more things happening that are beyond what we can ask or imagine. New things will be done this year unlike any other time. Are you willing to participate? If so, join me on your knees, and let’s cry out to God together!
Pray with me: Oh, Lord, show us something new about You. We want to know unknown things. Reveal to us hidden things. Tell us of new things. We have barely tapped into the knowledge of who You are. You are more majestic than we can imagine. You are more willing than we understand. You are bigger than our minds can handle. However, we just ask for more times to have glimpses of who You truly are. We want the veil of heaven just to be pulled back a little bit more so You can break through in our lives. We don’t want the same old relationship with You but a deeper relationship where we learn new things about You. You are a mystery to us; yet, we are assured and confident in Your character. We need this security in this relationship. It allows us to take the leap off the cliff with You into the unknown, into things never experienced by any other person. So help us to not be committed to life as we know it but to be committed to following You, the Giver of life, and life more abundant! It is in the mighty Name of Your Son Jesus, Yeshua, that we pray. Amen.
Copyright ©2009 Christ Compels
“You have heard these things; look at them all. Will you not admit them? ‘From now on I will tell you of new things, of hidden things unknown to you.’ ”
Isaiah 48:6
At the end of last year, God said one word to me over and over. He asked me to meditate on this one little three letter word, “new.” In Isaiah 48:6, God says that He will tell the people new things, things that were never done, nor seen before, things that were unknown to them. Then He showed me some wonderful things. I felt His presence over the message that He gave me. I knew this was His message to me and to His bride for this year. I’m so excited to share it with you.
He brought to my mind some other Scriptures with the word “new” in them. The book of Ecclesiastes is fascinating as Solomon discusses the meaning of life as well as the meaningless things in life. In Ecc. 1:9, he says, “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.” Essentially, he was saying it has all been done before. Things may take different forms, be packaged differently, or the names changed, but there really isn’t anything new.
Now let’s contrast this with some of God’s final words in the King James Version of Revelation 21:5, “Behold, I make all things new.” Oh, my! I can’t help but say that with a bit of power in my voice mixed with some authority. You see, God isn’t under the sun. He is over the sun! He created the sun that bows down to Him. He can change the rules of this world any time He wants to. If He wants to create all new rules, He can. If He wants to do things differently, He can. If He wants to paint the world purple with pink polka dots, He can. If He wants us to inhabit Pluto, a comet, or the bottom of the ocean floor, He can. He can completely change the order of life into anything He desires. Nothing is restricted from the One who can make anything new.
However, God doesn’t go with the latest fad or His most recent whim. He is methodical. He is always true to His character. He never changes. He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. He doesn’t change His mind, make corrections to His plans, or come up with new ideas. What wonderful assurance we have that our God’s character remains a solid Rock on which we can rely! We can allow our desire for exploits and escapades to be released to discover the God Most High, the Lover of our Soul who is for us and not against us because He is always true to His perfect character!
Many of us have practiced the same level of relationship with God for many years. We are committed to it. We would say it is the best part of our lives. We may have a quiet time and prayer time with Him that is consistent, same time, same place, every day. However, the problem is that we have not let Him show us anything new in quite some time. We have not given the Holy Spirit full freedom to reveal more of the Father to us. Somewhere along the way, we stopped letting the veils of heaven be removed and getting glimpses of our God who can take our breath away! We stopped longing for the mysteries of who God is to be revealed to us. Perhaps we have begun to think that this is all that we get of God on this side of heaven. Perhaps it is because we look as spiritually strong as the others in our generation instead of dreaming that God wants to raise up people in this generation who are stronger than any other generation in history because we believe Him! We started taking ordinary, maybe even baby, steps in our walk of faith instead of leaping off the cliff into the unknown with God.
I want you and me just to try something for one year. Let’s ask God every day, “Show me something new about You, Lord.” I believe God wants His bride to boldly ask Him for new things this year. I believe God’s Spirit is being poured out in a time like no other. We will see new things happen that have never before happened. As the spiritual warfare increases, so increases God’s anointing on His people. He is looking for His people to believe Him that new things are being handed out on the kingdom calendar. I believe this year that for those of us who are in tune with His heart and the times that we will see spiritual growth unlike any other time in our lives. The door is wide open to even more things happening that are beyond what we can ask or imagine. New things will be done this year unlike any other time. Are you willing to participate? If so, join me on your knees, and let’s cry out to God together!
Pray with me: Oh, Lord, show us something new about You. We want to know unknown things. Reveal to us hidden things. Tell us of new things. We have barely tapped into the knowledge of who You are. You are more majestic than we can imagine. You are more willing than we understand. You are bigger than our minds can handle. However, we just ask for more times to have glimpses of who You truly are. We want the veil of heaven just to be pulled back a little bit more so You can break through in our lives. We don’t want the same old relationship with You but a deeper relationship where we learn new things about You. You are a mystery to us; yet, we are assured and confident in Your character. We need this security in this relationship. It allows us to take the leap off the cliff with You into the unknown, into things never experienced by any other person. So help us to not be committed to life as we know it but to be committed to following You, the Giver of life, and life more abundant! It is in the mighty Name of Your Son Jesus, Yeshua, that we pray. Amen.
Copyright ©2009 Christ Compels
Friday, January 9, 2009
Watchmen on the Walls
Watchmen on the Walls
“The word of the LORD came to me: ‘Son of man, speak to your countrymen and say to them: 'When I bring the sword against a land, and the people of the land choose one of their men and make him their watchman, and he sees the sword coming against the land and blows the trumpet to warn the people, then if anyone hears the trumpet but does not take warning and the sword comes and takes his life, his blood will be on his own head. Since he heard the sound of the trumpet but did not take warning, his blood will be on his own head. If he had taken warning, he would have saved himself. But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of one of them, that man will be taken away because of his sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for his blood.' ’
‘Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning from me.’ ”
Ezekiel 33:1-7
In ancient times, watchmen on the walls kept a constant vigil on the city walls against the raiding enemy. The main earthly protection for a city was to fortify itself with a wall and place watchmen on it. These men would watch through the day and night. They would scan the horizon. At the first sign of trouble, they would grab their trumpets and blow a warning signal to the rest of the people in the community. The people knew when they heard the trumpets blow that they were to stop their daily routine or awaken from their sleep and mobilize into action to defend their families, homes, and community.
Ezekiel was made a watchman for the house of Israel. God gave him the words to speak to warn the people if they did not turn from their idols and sin to Him. God pleaded with the people. He came to His prophets and put His words into their mouths, but the people still did not listen. They continued to worship other gods and not turn to the God Most High.
I have been so burdened for Jesus’ precious bride for several years now. I see pockets of Christians hearing the warning signal. They have been aroused from their sleep. They have stopped the entrapment of daily living on this earth and become purposeful about living for Christ. However, Jesus’ bride as a whole is still not true to her first love.
When we told God to get out of our public lives and out of our public schools, as Anne Graham Lotz says, “God, being a Gentleman, did.” We have turned to the god of entertainment, the god of our flesh, the god of money, the god of self, the god of comfort and indulgence, and the list could go on and on. We have nationally dismissed God. With 9/11 we saw the first of what could happen when God’s hand of protection was not upon us. God so desperately wanted us to wake up and look to Him. However, we hit the snooze alarm after that terrible tragedy hatched by evil men.
Just as Ezekiel warned the people of his day, many great and wonderful preachers and teachers are acting like watchmen on the wall for our nation and world and sending warnings. They are warning the bride of Christ to wake up! They are warning people to turn from their sin. As I write this devotion, I, too, am issuing a warning to us. You and I do not want 9/11 to be a prelude. However, we are on the pathway for some hard times on the kingdom calendar.
The church is in desperate need of a revival! You and I are the church My answer for revival nationally has been for years to be revived individually. I let God set me on fire and spit sparks to other people. I leave complacency behind and became contagious. Then, I have prayed for the ones whom God has spit sparks on through me and asked Him to turn them into a bonfire that all can see and become “spark spitters,” too.
Are any of you in need of a little fire of God’s Spirit? I want that. Gosh, I want that, beloved. I believe many of you want that, too. I know God wants so badly for us to respond to His Holy Spirit and to His watchmen and to walk in godliness and be the bonfire for all to see Him in this dark world. So may we let Him set us ablaze!
Pray with me: Almighty God, the world is in desperate need of a true spiritual awakening. The church is in desperate need of a great revival. Believers are in desperate need of a fresh infusion of faith. Please, hear us cry out to You and shower us with Your Spirit. These are going to be some hard days on the kingdom calendar. Lord, help us to be a people who know the signs of our times and stand as watchmen on the wall. Set us on fire with Your Holy Spirit, Lord. Set us ablaze! You are a consuming fire. Your Word is a fire in our bones, and we must share the good news. Lord, give us the courage to be “spark spitters” and to fan the flame burning in others. We want to be a contagious people and not fire quenchers. We don’t want to douse others with water but rather with Your fire. It’s in the Name above all names, in Jesus’ Name, Yeshua’s Name, we pray. Amen.
“The word of the LORD came to me: ‘Son of man, speak to your countrymen and say to them: 'When I bring the sword against a land, and the people of the land choose one of their men and make him their watchman, and he sees the sword coming against the land and blows the trumpet to warn the people, then if anyone hears the trumpet but does not take warning and the sword comes and takes his life, his blood will be on his own head. Since he heard the sound of the trumpet but did not take warning, his blood will be on his own head. If he had taken warning, he would have saved himself. But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of one of them, that man will be taken away because of his sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for his blood.' ’
‘Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning from me.’ ”
Ezekiel 33:1-7
In ancient times, watchmen on the walls kept a constant vigil on the city walls against the raiding enemy. The main earthly protection for a city was to fortify itself with a wall and place watchmen on it. These men would watch through the day and night. They would scan the horizon. At the first sign of trouble, they would grab their trumpets and blow a warning signal to the rest of the people in the community. The people knew when they heard the trumpets blow that they were to stop their daily routine or awaken from their sleep and mobilize into action to defend their families, homes, and community.
Ezekiel was made a watchman for the house of Israel. God gave him the words to speak to warn the people if they did not turn from their idols and sin to Him. God pleaded with the people. He came to His prophets and put His words into their mouths, but the people still did not listen. They continued to worship other gods and not turn to the God Most High.
I have been so burdened for Jesus’ precious bride for several years now. I see pockets of Christians hearing the warning signal. They have been aroused from their sleep. They have stopped the entrapment of daily living on this earth and become purposeful about living for Christ. However, Jesus’ bride as a whole is still not true to her first love.
When we told God to get out of our public lives and out of our public schools, as Anne Graham Lotz says, “God, being a Gentleman, did.” We have turned to the god of entertainment, the god of our flesh, the god of money, the god of self, the god of comfort and indulgence, and the list could go on and on. We have nationally dismissed God. With 9/11 we saw the first of what could happen when God’s hand of protection was not upon us. God so desperately wanted us to wake up and look to Him. However, we hit the snooze alarm after that terrible tragedy hatched by evil men.
Just as Ezekiel warned the people of his day, many great and wonderful preachers and teachers are acting like watchmen on the wall for our nation and world and sending warnings. They are warning the bride of Christ to wake up! They are warning people to turn from their sin. As I write this devotion, I, too, am issuing a warning to us. You and I do not want 9/11 to be a prelude. However, we are on the pathway for some hard times on the kingdom calendar.
The church is in desperate need of a revival! You and I are the church My answer for revival nationally has been for years to be revived individually. I let God set me on fire and spit sparks to other people. I leave complacency behind and became contagious. Then, I have prayed for the ones whom God has spit sparks on through me and asked Him to turn them into a bonfire that all can see and become “spark spitters,” too.
Are any of you in need of a little fire of God’s Spirit? I want that. Gosh, I want that, beloved. I believe many of you want that, too. I know God wants so badly for us to respond to His Holy Spirit and to His watchmen and to walk in godliness and be the bonfire for all to see Him in this dark world. So may we let Him set us ablaze!
Pray with me: Almighty God, the world is in desperate need of a true spiritual awakening. The church is in desperate need of a great revival. Believers are in desperate need of a fresh infusion of faith. Please, hear us cry out to You and shower us with Your Spirit. These are going to be some hard days on the kingdom calendar. Lord, help us to be a people who know the signs of our times and stand as watchmen on the wall. Set us on fire with Your Holy Spirit, Lord. Set us ablaze! You are a consuming fire. Your Word is a fire in our bones, and we must share the good news. Lord, give us the courage to be “spark spitters” and to fan the flame burning in others. We want to be a contagious people and not fire quenchers. We don’t want to douse others with water but rather with Your fire. It’s in the Name above all names, in Jesus’ Name, Yeshua’s Name, we pray. Amen.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Jesus Lives Editing Completed!
January 6, 2009 was a big day for the Jesus Lives Bible study. The editors Shirley S. and Anne finished their work before the holidays. Shirley S and I had a working day over the holidays to polish it up and make more corrections. Then on 1/6/09, I made my final change and sent the manuscript to my sister (a published writer) to convert the document from word to a pdf per the publishing guidelines. What a huge praise! I'm so amazed at our God! Exactly 12 years to the date that I hit rock bottom in the pit, our God has completed this amazing work in me and manifested through Jesus Lives! God has redeemed the date for me and I stand amazed at who He is and how He is purposeful and methodical to the tiniest of details! Praise You, Abba!
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”
Deuteronomy 31:6
God has given me this verse twice through other messengers. The first time was through my precious friend Kendra who received it in her prayer time as encouragement for me during the videotaping of Jesus Lives. We eat lunch quite frequently together, and she said God gave her a word for me. The second time was through a teaching session from Pat Layton, a worker in post-abortion recovery. I told you in the “Hope in Hopeless Times” devotion that Pat handed out scissors with a Scripture on it.
Moses had delivered these words to all of Israel. Moses was 120 years old. After leading Israel for years, getting them out of slavery in Egypt, taking them through the desert wanderings, and now standing outside the Promised Land, he was no longer able to lead them. He was delivering God’s promise to them that they were not dependent on Moses but dependent on God. He told them not to be afraid of the enemy on their territory. They would take the land from the enemy. Moses was telling them to be strong and courageous. God was going to be with them in these battles. He was not going to abandon them now. He had directed them to take this land, and He would be right there with them. I believe this was a personal word to me.
For most of my life, I have struggled with fear. When I was a child, I was afraid of the dark. When I fell asleep at night, I pulled the covers up to my neck and covered my neck for fear of vampires in the night. After sleeping for 30 years this way, I finally realized why I slept this way. (Can you believe that it took me 30 years to figure that out?)
As an adult, I no longer fear the dark, but I have fear occasionally. It is a struggle for me to not be afraid of being aggressive for the Kingdom, aggressive in the publishing and videotaping, and courageously delivering the word God has given me. Every time before I speak or I write, I’m afraid of messing up. I draw on the courage of my God. When He fills me with His courage, I feel the most alive that I have ever felt. Ambrose Redmoon said, “Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.” Courage is being willing to face danger. Courage is being willing to do what you believe is right even when you don’t know if things will end in your favor.
Just like the Israelites, if you and I are going to take our individual Promised Lands, then we have to fight the enemy who has been controlling the territory. Just as Joshua and the Israelites took their Promised Land with their swords, so do we. We take our Promised Lands with the Sword of the Spirit. We take them with the Word of God. We must be rooted in God’s Word. Our courage must be rooted in Scripture…Not blind trust, but knowing trust… Knowing why we can place our courage in Him and release our fears to Him. Oh, beloved, let’s be willing to face any danger, any fear and trust our God with the outcome.
Pray with me: Almighty God, You go with us. You will never leave us nor forsake us. You lead us into battle against the enemy. Lord, make us strong. We don’t want to be weak women. We want to be strong and mighty in You. We don’t want to sway with the blowing of the wind or a change of our circumstances. We want a character that is steady and true. Give us courage. Help us to see that what You have in store for us is so much more important than our fear. Help us to reject fear and to choose to walk in courage. Lord, help us to be rooted in Your Word. Just like Joshua had his physical sword, we need our spiritual sword. We will take our Promised Lands if we have Your Word written into our hearts and our entire being. Make us lovers of Your Word. May we cherish it more than our daily bread. It’s in the Name above all names, in Jesus’ Name, Yeshua’s Name, we pray. Amen.
Copyright ©2009 Christ Compels
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”
Deuteronomy 31:6
God has given me this verse twice through other messengers. The first time was through my precious friend Kendra who received it in her prayer time as encouragement for me during the videotaping of Jesus Lives. We eat lunch quite frequently together, and she said God gave her a word for me. The second time was through a teaching session from Pat Layton, a worker in post-abortion recovery. I told you in the “Hope in Hopeless Times” devotion that Pat handed out scissors with a Scripture on it.
Moses had delivered these words to all of Israel. Moses was 120 years old. After leading Israel for years, getting them out of slavery in Egypt, taking them through the desert wanderings, and now standing outside the Promised Land, he was no longer able to lead them. He was delivering God’s promise to them that they were not dependent on Moses but dependent on God. He told them not to be afraid of the enemy on their territory. They would take the land from the enemy. Moses was telling them to be strong and courageous. God was going to be with them in these battles. He was not going to abandon them now. He had directed them to take this land, and He would be right there with them. I believe this was a personal word to me.
For most of my life, I have struggled with fear. When I was a child, I was afraid of the dark. When I fell asleep at night, I pulled the covers up to my neck and covered my neck for fear of vampires in the night. After sleeping for 30 years this way, I finally realized why I slept this way. (Can you believe that it took me 30 years to figure that out?)
As an adult, I no longer fear the dark, but I have fear occasionally. It is a struggle for me to not be afraid of being aggressive for the Kingdom, aggressive in the publishing and videotaping, and courageously delivering the word God has given me. Every time before I speak or I write, I’m afraid of messing up. I draw on the courage of my God. When He fills me with His courage, I feel the most alive that I have ever felt. Ambrose Redmoon said, “Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.” Courage is being willing to face danger. Courage is being willing to do what you believe is right even when you don’t know if things will end in your favor.
Just like the Israelites, if you and I are going to take our individual Promised Lands, then we have to fight the enemy who has been controlling the territory. Just as Joshua and the Israelites took their Promised Land with their swords, so do we. We take our Promised Lands with the Sword of the Spirit. We take them with the Word of God. We must be rooted in God’s Word. Our courage must be rooted in Scripture…Not blind trust, but knowing trust… Knowing why we can place our courage in Him and release our fears to Him. Oh, beloved, let’s be willing to face any danger, any fear and trust our God with the outcome.
Pray with me: Almighty God, You go with us. You will never leave us nor forsake us. You lead us into battle against the enemy. Lord, make us strong. We don’t want to be weak women. We want to be strong and mighty in You. We don’t want to sway with the blowing of the wind or a change of our circumstances. We want a character that is steady and true. Give us courage. Help us to see that what You have in store for us is so much more important than our fear. Help us to reject fear and to choose to walk in courage. Lord, help us to be rooted in Your Word. Just like Joshua had his physical sword, we need our spiritual sword. We will take our Promised Lands if we have Your Word written into our hearts and our entire being. Make us lovers of Your Word. May we cherish it more than our daily bread. It’s in the Name above all names, in Jesus’ Name, Yeshua’s Name, we pray. Amen.
Copyright ©2009 Christ Compels
Friday, January 2, 2009
Hope In Hopeless Times
Hope in Hopeless Times
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”
Romans 15:13
My heart could not take anymore of their stories. It was breaking. Tears were flowing out of my eyes and streaming down my cheeks like a leaky faucet that could not be turned off. The stories were being told at a breakout session led by Pat Layton at the Women’s Ministry Leadership Forum at Lifeway. She was speaking about women in crisis. She gave out four rolls of yarn to four different women in different areas of the room. Each woman was to stand up and state why she was interested in attending a breakout session on crisis. What crisis in her life had drawn her to this breakout session? Then, she was to throw the yarn to someone else in the room who would share her story. Some told their stories with sobs. Some told stories with so much pain on their faces. Here were just some of the crises that I jotted down: sexual abuse as a child, suicide of loved one, teen pregnancy, infertility, adultery, divorce, husband left, pornography, abusive marriage, depression, cutting oneself, food addictions, drug addiction, use of illegal drugs, financial troubles, layoffs, losing home, caring for elderly parents, and raising grandchildren because their child had abandoned their parental duty or had died. Do you understand why I couldn’t stop the tears from flowing now? All of the crises in my life suddenly paled in comparison. The situations seemed desolate and hopeless.
Later, Pat gave each of us child-size scissors with a Bible verse attached. Each lady was to stand up, read the verse, and then cut the yarn closest to her. The most amazing thing happened when the verses started being decreed and declared in the physical realm. Previously, the room felt like someone had hung black curtains, and the room was darker than inside the deepest cave. Hope seemed gone. When the verses were read, it was like someone began to remove the black curtains and let the sun shine into the room. Hope was filling up the room again. Light had come back again. The oppression was lifted. Victory was available.
Women started talking about how the verse they were given just ministered to them. God matched up women with similar circumstances with the same verses. Women were encouraging others with the Word. I was also encouraged because God gave me the same verse that my friend Kendra had heard from God in her prayer time for me. Life was being breathed back into the room. Hope was restored.
Hope is the feeling that what is wanted can be attained or that events will turn out for the best. When we hope against hope then we are believe that things will change and get better, although the outlook does not look like there is any hope at all. When someone steals your hope, she has trampled your heart. Without hope, the heart will break. Then, we can’t go on, and we linger in a slow, painful death. The great news is that our God is the God of Hope! No situation is hopeless. No situation is too far gone. There was no hopeless situation that God cannot answer. Hope is powerful medicine that we can expect something better tomorrow. God’s Word is the Giver of Hope!
In another session at the Forum, my friend Lorie Keene quoted Hebrews 4:12, “For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joint and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” She said, “It is God’s Word that fills the space in the heart of every woman.” God’s Word is alive. It holds the power to work in people’s lives…Not my words…Not your words. My encouragement might last for a day, maybe longer. However, the Word of God endures for all time. In the Greek, the word for “active” is energas, which means energy, operative, effective. It is a Greek word used for drugs that were effective in bringing the cure. God’s Word is the cure! It is unstoppable and can penetrate to the deepest part of our being – our soul and spirit, joints and marrow. God pours in His Word to our most severe wounds.
As review, here are some easy questions for you. What is the cure for hopeless situations? The God of hope. What is the quickest way to inject hope? God’s Word, beloved…Simply His Word. Therefore, let’s remember when we are discouraged, inject His Word. When we look for hope in others, let’s turn to Him. When we try to find quick-pick-me-ups, He is the eternal pick-me-up. When we try to eat our sorrows away, or when we try to numb ourselves to the pain by taking any drug, drink, or distraction, then stop! Reach out to the God of hope!
Pray with me: Almighty God, You are the God of hope. There are no circumstances that are too difficult. There is no one who has an impossible situation. Nothing is hopeless in You. It isn’t too desolate. We may not get the answer that we wanted, but we will get the courage to keep going. Because You are the God who makes everything possible, our hope is safe in You. Someday everything will turn out for the best. Someday every wrong will be made right. Someday, sin will be no more. We will no longer live in a fallen world of disease and despair. Oh, how we long for our home with You, Father! Come quickly, Lord Jesus, Come! It’s in the Name above all names, in Jesus’ Name, Yeshua’s Name, I pray. Amen.
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”
Romans 15:13
My heart could not take anymore of their stories. It was breaking. Tears were flowing out of my eyes and streaming down my cheeks like a leaky faucet that could not be turned off. The stories were being told at a breakout session led by Pat Layton at the Women’s Ministry Leadership Forum at Lifeway. She was speaking about women in crisis. She gave out four rolls of yarn to four different women in different areas of the room. Each woman was to stand up and state why she was interested in attending a breakout session on crisis. What crisis in her life had drawn her to this breakout session? Then, she was to throw the yarn to someone else in the room who would share her story. Some told their stories with sobs. Some told stories with so much pain on their faces. Here were just some of the crises that I jotted down: sexual abuse as a child, suicide of loved one, teen pregnancy, infertility, adultery, divorce, husband left, pornography, abusive marriage, depression, cutting oneself, food addictions, drug addiction, use of illegal drugs, financial troubles, layoffs, losing home, caring for elderly parents, and raising grandchildren because their child had abandoned their parental duty or had died. Do you understand why I couldn’t stop the tears from flowing now? All of the crises in my life suddenly paled in comparison. The situations seemed desolate and hopeless.
Later, Pat gave each of us child-size scissors with a Bible verse attached. Each lady was to stand up, read the verse, and then cut the yarn closest to her. The most amazing thing happened when the verses started being decreed and declared in the physical realm. Previously, the room felt like someone had hung black curtains, and the room was darker than inside the deepest cave. Hope seemed gone. When the verses were read, it was like someone began to remove the black curtains and let the sun shine into the room. Hope was filling up the room again. Light had come back again. The oppression was lifted. Victory was available.
Women started talking about how the verse they were given just ministered to them. God matched up women with similar circumstances with the same verses. Women were encouraging others with the Word. I was also encouraged because God gave me the same verse that my friend Kendra had heard from God in her prayer time for me. Life was being breathed back into the room. Hope was restored.
Hope is the feeling that what is wanted can be attained or that events will turn out for the best. When we hope against hope then we are believe that things will change and get better, although the outlook does not look like there is any hope at all. When someone steals your hope, she has trampled your heart. Without hope, the heart will break. Then, we can’t go on, and we linger in a slow, painful death. The great news is that our God is the God of Hope! No situation is hopeless. No situation is too far gone. There was no hopeless situation that God cannot answer. Hope is powerful medicine that we can expect something better tomorrow. God’s Word is the Giver of Hope!
In another session at the Forum, my friend Lorie Keene quoted Hebrews 4:12, “For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joint and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” She said, “It is God’s Word that fills the space in the heart of every woman.” God’s Word is alive. It holds the power to work in people’s lives…Not my words…Not your words. My encouragement might last for a day, maybe longer. However, the Word of God endures for all time. In the Greek, the word for “active” is energas, which means energy, operative, effective. It is a Greek word used for drugs that were effective in bringing the cure. God’s Word is the cure! It is unstoppable and can penetrate to the deepest part of our being – our soul and spirit, joints and marrow. God pours in His Word to our most severe wounds.
As review, here are some easy questions for you. What is the cure for hopeless situations? The God of hope. What is the quickest way to inject hope? God’s Word, beloved…Simply His Word. Therefore, let’s remember when we are discouraged, inject His Word. When we look for hope in others, let’s turn to Him. When we try to find quick-pick-me-ups, He is the eternal pick-me-up. When we try to eat our sorrows away, or when we try to numb ourselves to the pain by taking any drug, drink, or distraction, then stop! Reach out to the God of hope!
Pray with me: Almighty God, You are the God of hope. There are no circumstances that are too difficult. There is no one who has an impossible situation. Nothing is hopeless in You. It isn’t too desolate. We may not get the answer that we wanted, but we will get the courage to keep going. Because You are the God who makes everything possible, our hope is safe in You. Someday everything will turn out for the best. Someday every wrong will be made right. Someday, sin will be no more. We will no longer live in a fallen world of disease and despair. Oh, how we long for our home with You, Father! Come quickly, Lord Jesus, Come! It’s in the Name above all names, in Jesus’ Name, Yeshua’s Name, I pray. Amen.
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